Sadhana Summer Reading Challenge
“I give you these precious words of wisdom; reflect on them and then do as you choose.”
We're excited to announce the first-ever Sadhana Summer Reading Challenge! Each week until the beginning of August, we will explore a different topic, from environmental justice to Hindu nationalism. We've selected a featured reading for each week, accompanied by a few additional resources. The "readings" include articles, podcasts, and even a music video, and they encompass a range of diverse viewpoints, which we hope will spark productive debate and inquiry into what it means to be a progressive Hindu. The Summer Reading Challenge will culminate in the launch of the Sadhana Syllabus, an open-source directory of resources on a variety of topics relating to progressive Hinduism.
Throughout the summer, we'll be posting excerpts from the readings and discussion questions on social media; follow Sadhana on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up, and join the conversation. Don't forget to use the hashtag #SadhanaReads!
Weekly Schedule
Week 1 (June 25)
Queerness and hinduism
Featured reading: Podcast, "Sapna Pandya: On Faith, Tradition, and Sexuality" (link) (transcript)
Further readings:
week 2 (July 2)
Week 3 (July 9)
week 4 (july 16)
Spirituality, gender, and caste
Featured reading: Nicholas O’Connell, “Subversive Hindu Thought” (link)
Further readings:
week 5 (july 23)
week 6 (july 30)
week 7 (august 6)
The future of hinduism
Featured reading: Anantanand Rambachan, "Hindu Pride and the Future of Hinduism" (link)