Sadhana Satsanghs
“From satsangh arises non-attachment; from non-attachment comes freedom from delusion; where there is freedom from delusion, there is understanding of the Eternal Truth, which leads to liberation in this life.”
The importance of satsangh (“being with the truth”) is emphasized by various Hindu traditions. Satsangh can take many forms: reading sacred texts together, listening to a spiritual discourse at a temple, performing a puja in a group at someone’s home, and many more. However, Hindu temple and religious spaces can sometimes feel alienating to people of marginalized identities – women, queer or trans people, people of mixed heritage or marginalized caste backgrounds, etc.
Sadhana Satsanghs are our monthly inclusive, egalitarian and earth-honoring worship gatherings. Our prayers, meditations, bhajans, pujas and discourses may be led by individuals of any race, caste, gender, sexual orientation, and age. Our ishta deva is Ardhanarishwara, the half-male and half-female form of Lord Shiva. We invite anyone and everyone to build a spiritual community with us!
Each month, we have a different theme. Past themes have included Earth Day, Domestic Violence and Mental Illness, Hindu-Muslim Unity (during Ramadan), Pride Month, and even Valentine’s Day! We also celebrate festivals such as Navaratri, Holi, Shivaratri, and more.
We partner with several community organizations, including Caribbean Equality Project, Jahajee Sisters, Muslims for Progressive Values, and many more.
Get involved
Your generous donation of $150 will fund prasadam and offerings for one Sadhana Satsangh.
If you would like to hold a Sadhana Satsangh in your city, contact us at