Sadhana Syllabus
“I give you these precious words of wisdom; reflect on them and then do as you choose.”
The Sadhana Syllabus is currently a work in progress. Stay tuned for a formal launch soon!
The Sadhana Syllabus is an open-source directory of resources on a variety of topics relating to progressive Hinduism, from caste to environmental justice. Sadhana does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in each resource. However, we believe a diversity of intellectual perspectives is important in the movement to build a progressive Hinduism.
The Sadhana Syllabus emerged from our 2018 Summer Reading Challenge. If you would like to submit a resource to the Syllabus, please email us at
Table of Contents
Foundations for a Progressive Hinduism
The Bhakti Movement
Hindu Rituals
Hindu Scriptures
Hindu Epics & Mythology
Hindu Nationalism (Hindutva)
Poverty & Economic Justice
LGBTQ Identities
Feminism & Gender Equality
The Hindu Diaspora
Environmental Justice
Hinduism & Other Religions
foundations for a Progressive hinduism
Swami Agnivesh, “Reforming Hinduism From Within”
B.R. Ambedkar, “Brahma, Dharma & Democracy: Another Hindu Riddle”
Shailly Gupta Barnes, “Articulating a Hindu Theology of Liberation”
J.A. Kasturi, Sunita Viswanath, Aminta Kilawan-Narine, and Rohan Narine, “A Progressive Hindu Approach to God”
Saikat Majumdar, “Left in Polytheism”
Balmurli Natrajan, “Letter to a Progressive Hindu”
Balmurli Natrajan, “Searching for a Progressive Hindu/ism: Battling Mussolini’s Hindus, Hindutva, and Hubris”
Anantanand Rambachan, A Hindu Theology of Liberation: Not-Two is Not One
Anantanand Rambachan, “A Hindu Theology of Human Flourishing” (YouTube)
Anantanand Rambachan, “The Need for a Hindu Theology of Liberation”
Ruth Vanita, "Whatever Happened to the Hindu Left?"
the bhakti movement
Priya Sarukkai Chabria, “Eight ‘Bhakti’ poems that show India had multiple and diverse paths to devotion”
Balmurli Natrajan, "The liberation theologists of the Hindu past"
Nicholas O'Connell, "Subversive Hindu Thought"
Kabir translated by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, Songs of Kabir
Gail Omvedt, Seeking Begumpura: The Social Vision of Anticaste Intellectuals
A.K. Ramanujan, Speaking of Siva
Hindu rituals
Aishik Chanda, “West Bengal’s first priestess solemnises marriages without Kanyadaan”
T.M. Krishna, “How the appointment of Dalits as priests is perpetuating casteist symbols”
Arun Kumar, “Ancient Bihar temples show the way with non-Brahmin priests”
Sapna Pandya interviewed by Sarika D. Mehta, "On Faith, Tradition, and Sexuality"
Margaret Ramirez, “Shashi Tandon: Fulfilling Hindu priestly duties and starting a quiet revolution”
Hindu Scriptures
B.R. Ambedkar, “Brahma, Dharma & Democracy: Another Hindu Riddle”
Shailly Gupta Barnes, "God is reborn: A reading on justice from the Bhagavad Gita"
Anantanand Rambachan, The Advaita Worldview: God, World, and Humanity
NeoIndian, “Why you should read the Vedas, and why the religious will never understand them”
Hindu Epics and Mythology
Shaan Amin, "The Dark Side of the Comics That Redefined Hinduism"
Kathleen M. Erndl, “The Mutilation of Surpanakha”
Ramdas Lamb, “Personalizing the Ramayan: Ramnamis and Their Use of the Ramcaritmanas”
Saikat Majumdar, “Left in Polytheism”
A.K. Ramanujan, “Three Hundred Ramayanas: Five Examples and Three Thoughts on Translation”
Paula Richman (editor), Many Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia
Devdutt Pattanaik, “On Krishna’s chariot stands Shikhandi”
Devdutt Pattanaik, Shikhandi and Other Stories They Don’t Tell You
Devdutt Pattanaik, “The Real Ramrajya”
Velcheru Narayana Rao, “A Ramayana of Their Own: Women's Oral Tradition in Telugu”
Nabaneeta Dev Sen, “Rewriting the Ramayana: Chandrabati and Molla”
Asam Ahmad, "How to Fight a Deadly Caste System"
B.R. Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste
B.R. Ambedkar, Philosophy of Hinduism
Nicholas O'Connell, "Subversive Hindu Thought"
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate, "Caste and the Hindutva Movement"
Nirupama Dutt, “Waiting for spring”
Yashica Dutt, “The Non-Dalit's Guide To Debating Meaningfully About Caste”
Equality Labs, “Caste in the United States: A Survey of Caste Among South Asian Americans”
Charu Gupta, “Speaking Self, Writing Caste - Recovering the Life of Santram BA”
Daniel Immerwahr, “Caste or Colony? Indianizing Race in the United States”
Ravikant Kisana, “Progressive Millennial Indians, Let’s Talk About How We Never Talk About Caste”
T.M. Krishna, “How the appointment of Dalits as priests is perpetuating casteist symbols”
Ramdas Lamb, “Personalizing the Ramayan: Ramnamis and Their Use of the Ramcaritmanas”
Arun Kumar, “Ancient Bihar temples show the way with non-Brahmin priests”
Nivedita Menon, “Bharat Mata And Her Unruly Daughters” (link)
Balmurli Natrajan, “From jati to samaj” (link)
Balmurli Natrajan, "The liberation theologists of the Hindu past" (link)
Annalee Newitz, “The caste system has left its mark on Indians’ genomes” (link)
Gail Omvedt, Seeking Begumpura: The Social Vision of Anticaste Intellectuals (Amazon)
Devdutt Pattanaik: "Beyond Hinduism: Is caste a religious or a regional problem?” (link)
Anantanand Rambachan, “A Hindu Theology of Human Flourishing” (YouTube)
Anantanand Rambachan, “Freedom from Caste” chapter from A Hindu Theology of Liberation (link)
Anantanand Rambachan, “A New Year Resolution for Hinduism: Opening Temple Doors to All” (link)
Anantanand Rambachan, "Is Caste Intrinsic to Hinduism?" (link)
Hira Singh, Recasting Caste: From the Sacred to the Profane (SAGE Publishing)
Varun Soni, “Why I’m haunted by my religion’s dark side” (link)
Thenmozhi Soundararajan, “The Black Indians” (link)
Steph Yin, “In South Asian Social Castes, a Living Lab for Genetic Disease” (link)
Hindu nationalism (Hindutva)
Shaan Amin, "The Dark Side of the Comics That Redefined Hinduism" (link)
Rajni Bakshi, “Swami Vivekananda’s Disputed Legacy” (link)
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate, "Caste and the Hindutva Movement" (link)
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate, "Sangh and Women" (link)
Amit Chaudhuri, “Modi’s Hinduism” (link)
Sagarika Ghose, “Manifesto for a liberal Hindu – It’s time for secular Hindus to say: Garv se kaho hum liberal hain” (link)
D.N. Jha, "Looking for a Hindu Identity" (link)
Nivedita Menon, “Bharat Mata And Her Unruly Daughters” (link)
Balmurli Natrajan, "Letter to a Progressive Hindu" (link)
Ashis Nandy, “A report on the present state of health of the gods and goddesses in South Asia” (link)
Balmurli Natrajan, "Searching for a Progressive Hindu/ism: Battling Mussolini’s Hindus, Hindutva, and Hubris" (link)
Constance Jones and James D. Ryan, "Hindu Nationalism" in Encyclopedia of Hinduism (link)
Anantanand Rambachan, "Hindu Pride and the Future of Hinduism" (link)
Alex Shams, "Welcome to the Beef Capital of India" (link)
Vijay Prashad, “Letter to a Young American Hindu”
Stanley Thangaraj, “Sipping on the Indian Haterade: Hindu American Whiteness and Support for Trump” (link)
Romila Thapar, interviewed by Ajaz Ashraf: “Before anyone can debate the Sangh, it has to stop abusing its opponents” (link)
Ramesh Venkataraman, “Hindu way to resist Hindutva” (link)
poverty and economic justice
Shailly Gupta Barnes, The Shakti – life force – of the poor today" (link)
Anantanand Rambachan, "Hindus and the Poor People’s Campaign: A Religious and Moral Obligation" (link)
Nooreen Reza, "Progressive Hinduism and a New Movement Against Poverty" (link)
Peter Wilberg, “Rudra's Red Banner: Marxism and Moksha” (link)
lgbtq identities
Lata Jha, "What Two Hindu Temples in the US Tell Us about the Divide among Hindus in India" (link)
Sapna Pandya, interviewed by Sarika D. Mehta, "On Faith, Tradition, and Sexuality" (link) (transcript)
Devdutt Pattanaik, “Did homosexuality exist in ancient India?” (link)
Devdutt Pattanaik, “Declared constitutionally invalid” (link)
Devdutt Pattanaik, “Hindu, not homophobic” (link)
Devdutt Pattanaik, “On Krishna’s chariot stands Shikhandi” (link)
Devdutt Pattanaik, Shikhandi and Other Stories They Don’t Tell You
Devdutt Pattanaik, “The Real Ramrajya” (link)
Anantanand Rambachan, “LGBT Address” (link)
Madhuri Shekar, Hari Venkatachalam, “Same-Sex Marriage and Hinduism” (link)
Ruth Vanita, Love's Rite: Same-Sex Marriage in India and the West
Ruth Vanita, Queering India: Same-Sex Love and Eroticism in Indian Culture and Society
Ruth Vanita and Saleem Kidwai, "Religious Teachers’ Statements on Same-Sex Sexuality" (link)
Ruth Vanita, “Ruth Vanita Speaks About Hinduism and LGBTQ Identities” (link)
Feminism and gender equality
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate, "Sangh and Women" (link)
Nicholas O'Connell, "Subversive Hindu Thought" (link)
Kathleen M. Erndl, “The Mutilation of Surpanakha” (link)
Nivedita Menon, “Bharat Mata And Her Unruly Daughters” (link)
Sapna Pandya, interviewed by Sarika D. Mehta, "On Faith, Tradition, and Sexuality" (link) (transcript)
Velcheru Narayana Rao, “A Ramayana of Their Own: Women's Oral Tradition in Telugu” (link)
Nabaneeta Dev Sen, “Rewriting the Ramayana: Chandrabati and Molla” (link)
Ruth Vanita, Gandhi's Tiger and Sita's Smile: Essays on Gender, Sexuality and Culture (Amazon)
The Hindu diaspora
Equality Labs, “Caste in the United States: A Survey of Caste Among South Asian Americans” (link)
Lata Jha, "What Two Hindu Temples in the US Tell Us about the Divide among Hindus in India" (link)
Deepak Sarma, "The Academic Study of Hinduism: An Alternative Future" (link)
Steven Ramey, “Hindu Minorities and the Limits of Hindu Inclusiveness: Sindhi and Indo-Caribbean Hindu Communities in Atlanta” (link)
Vijay Prashad, “Letter to a Young American Hindu”
Interview with Dr. Varun Soni (link)
Thenmozhi Soundararajan, “The Black Indians” (link)
Stanley Thangaraj, “Sipping on the Indian Haterade: Hindu American Whiteness and Support for Trump” (link)
Environmental justice
Bhumi Project, “The Green Temple” (link)
Anantanand Rambachan, “Diwali: Hearing Earth’s Cry” (link)
Hari Venkatachalam, "One Hindu's Environmental Pilgrimage from Triveni Ghat to Tampa to the Future" (link)
Hinduism and other religions
Richard H. Davis, “A Muslim Princess in the Temples of Visnu” (link)
David Gilmartin and Bruce B. Lawrence (editors), Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking Religious Identities in Islamicate South Asia (link)
“Indo-Islamic Love Stories and the Story of Rama and Sita” (link)
Nikhil Mandalaparthy, "When the man who wrote Pakistan's national anthem saw the divine in Hindu god Krishna" (link)
C.M. Naim, “The Maulana Who Loved Krishna” (link)
Ashis Nandy, “A report on the present state of health of the gods and goddesses in South Asia” (link)
NPR segment, "Why Many Muslims In India Feel Yoga Has Been Weaponized" (link)
NPR segment, "Om Alone in India" (link)
Manoj Singh, “Before the Rise of Hindutva, Gorakhnath Nurtured Muslim Yogis” (link)
George Wolfe, "Parallel Teachings in Hinduism and Christianity" (link)
Joanne Punzo Waghorne, “Chariots of the God/s: Riding the Line Between Hindu and Christian” (link)